About CWC
Capital Wing Chun / Chinese Boxing has been in operation in Tuggeranong, Canberra since 2013.
Wing Chun is a traditional Chinese martial art that excels at close quarter stand up combat. Wing Chun is based on the principles of simplicity, directness, practicality and economy of movement. Chinese boxing incorporates elements of Sanda (Sanshou) and was initially developed by the Chinese military based on a combination of traditional Kung Fu and modern fighting techniques.
The Capital Wing Chun / Chinese Boxing class is an enthusiastic group of individuals who have a common interest in improving themselves and learning martial arts. The learning environment is one of mutual respect and interest in gaining new knowledge and skills, at any level. Each class is always a bit different; there is a core warm-up set, then varied exercises, drills, training and sparring, and a Wing Chun form at the end of class. The exercises and drills are often performed in pairs, with all students learning from each other. Discussion, application and interpretation of what works for the individual and the situation is part of what makes the art practical.
As of 2017 Capital Wing Chun has been offering a kids class. Find all the details here.
If you have any questions, special requirements or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact Brendan via email, phone or sms, or simply drop into a training session at the Tuggeranong Community Centre.